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2019年1月23日(神楽坂)開催 <(一社)日本音響学会 騒音・振動研究会資料>

N-2019-01 【 PDF
Numerical simulation on vibration damping by granular material
竹島 理夫、朝倉 巧
Masao Takeshima, Takumi Asakura
Tokyo University of Science



N-2019-02 【 PDF
Examination of presentation method of visual information for alert system of boat noise with cellphone
甲斐 幹康、武藤 憲司
Mikiyasu Kai, Kenji Muto
Shibaura Institute of Technology



N-2019-03 【 PDF
Questionnaire survey for child-care workers and measurement results of noise and vibration for nursery schools located under the elevated railway
岡庭 拓也、井上 勝夫、冨田 隆太
Takuya Okaniwa, Katsuo Inoue, Ryuta Tomita
Nihon University



N-2019-04 【 PDF
Quantitative evaluation of Windturbine noise
長島 久敏1、濱田 幸雄2、川端 浩和3、小垣 哲也3
Hisatoshi Nagashima1, Yukio Hamada2, Hirokazu Kawabata3, Tetsuya Kogaki3
1日本大学大学院工学研究科, 2日本大学工学部. 3産業技術総合研究所再生可能エネルギー研究所
1Graduate School ofEng., Nihon Univ, 2Prof., College ofEngineering., Nihon Univ., Dr. Eng., 3Fulcushima Renewable Energy Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology



N-2019-05 【 PDF
道路交通議音の評価 -LAegとLAMそして(W)ECPNLA-
Traffic Noise Ratings-LAeq/LAM /(W}ECPNLA-
久野 和宏、丸山 光信



2019年2月22日(大坂)開催 <(一社)日本音響学会 騒音・振動研究会資料>

N-2019-06 【 PDF
Factors Analysis of Gear Sound by Using Numerical Simulation
朴 成鐸1、武田 貴史1、濱 透1、戸井 武司2
Chengfeng Pu1, Takafumi Takeda1, Toru Hama1, Takeshi Toi2
1中央大学 大学院 精密工学専攻, 2中央大学 理工学部
1Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Chuo University, 2Department of Precision Mechanics, Chuo University



N-2019-07 【 PDF
Detection of abnormal operation on physical distribution conveyance system by MT method based on vibration characteristics
八島 渉1、朝倉 巧2、高木 基可3、鈴木 晃希3、三上 昌志3、木本 裕司3
Wataru Yashima1, Talrumi Asakura2, Motoka Takagi3, Koki Suzuki3, Masashi Mikami3, Hiroshi Kimoto3
1東京理科大学大学院, 2東京理科大学, 3トーヨーカネツソリューションズ
12Tokyo University of Science, 3TOYO KANETSU SOLUTIONS

近年, IoT関連技術の向上に伴い,様々な構造物のリアルタイムモニタリングが期待されている.また,物流搬送システムにおいては,ローコスト化が求められており,システムの予期せぬ不具合による点検等に要するコストは大きな間題である.そのため,搬送システムの劣化や変化を素早く精度よく検知し,故障のタイミングを予測し,システム停止を回避することが重要である.本検討では,ケース日動保管システムであるマルチシャトルシステムについて,その動作の中核を担うリフタ一部分の振動特性を計測し,計測した振動に対してMT法を用いることによって,上昇動作と下降動作,正常動作と異常動作といった各種稼働状態の自動判定技術構築に関する基礎的な検討を行った.


N-2019-08 【 PDF
Fundamental study on auditory usage by blind soccer specialist
石田 卓也1、福永 克己2、三浦 貴大3、牧野 康一4、大鶴 徹5、上田 麻理6
Takuya lshida1, Yoshiki Fukunaga2, Takahiro Miura3, Kouichi Makino4, Toru Otsuru5, Mari Ueda6
16神奈川工科大学, 2筑波技術大学, 3産業技術総合研究所, 4小林理学研究所, 5大分大学
16Kanagawa Institute of Technology, 2Tsukuba University of Technology, 3AIST, 4Kobayasi Institute of Physical Research, 5Oita University

ブラインドサッカーは,視覚情報を遮断され聴覚情報のみを手がかりにボールやゴールの位置を把握し, ドリブル・シュート,ディフェンスなど激しい動きを行うスポーツである.よって,試合中の音はプレーを有利に進める上で重要な情報源であるため,選手は聴覚を最大限に利用している.しかし,選手が活用すべき聴覚情報についての識別・定位能力の訓練は経験的なものにしか基づいていない現状にある.実際に,ブラインドサッカーの聴覚メカニズムに関連する先行研究は少な


N-2019-09 【 PDF
多群会話空間における会話しやすさに関する現場実験 一BGMの音量が快適性に及ぼす影響一
A field experiment on easiness of conversation in multi-group conversation spaces —effect of the background music volume on acoustic comfort—
丸山 直也1、平栗 靖浩2、川井 敬一3、上田 麻理4
Naoya Mamyama1, Yasuhiro Hiraguri2, Keiji Kawai3, Mari Ueda4
1熊本大学大学院自然科学教育部, 2近畿大学建築学部建築学科, 3熊本大学大学院先端科学研究部, 4神奈川工科大学情報メディア学科
1Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kumamoto University, 2Facutly of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Kindai University, 3Facutly of Advanced Science and Technology, GraduateSchool of Kumamoto University, 4Department of lnformation Media, Kanagawa Institute of Technology



N-2019-10 【 PDF
住宅地域内の生活道路における音環境に関する研究 ―住居形式に着目して—
松本 友惟1、平栗 靖浩2、辻村 壮平3、脇田 祥尚4
1近畿大学大学院 総合理工学研究科, 2近畿大学建築学部建築学科, 3茨城大学工学部都市システム工学科, 4近畿大学建築学部建築学科
1Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kindai Univ., 2Dep. Of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Kindai Univ, 3Dep. of Urban and Civil Eng., lbaraki Univ, 4Dep. Of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Kindai Univ,



The aim of this study is to clarify the current situation and the evaluation of soundenvironment in a built-up area which was developed rapidly in 1960's by a case studyon Tomoi area, Higashi-Osaka city. Sounds outside have eighty two types which aredivided into six category; traffic, nature, animal, activity, voice and equipment.Sounds from inside the house have thirty six types which is divided into four category;activity, voice, animal and equipment. Sounds outside tend to be regarded as'unpleasant', but the percentage of'unpleasant'decreases in terms of the sounds inside.

N-2019-11 【 PDF
Combined effect of ground-borne vibrations on railway noise annoyanc
横島 潤紀1、森原 崇2、冨田 隆太3、松本 泰尚4
Shigenori YOKOSHIMA1, Takashi Morihara2, Ryuta TOMITA3, Yasunao MATSUMOTO4
1神奈川県環境科学センター, 2石川工業高等専門学校, 3日本大学, 4埼玉大学
1Kanagawa Enviromnental Research Center, 2National Institute of Technology, Ishikawa College, 3Nihon University, 4Saitama University



N-2019-12 【 PDF
Practical calculation method of noise reduction by overhanged barrier.
福島 昭則1、坂本 慎一2
FUKUSHIMA Akinori1, SAKAMOTO Shinichi2
1ニューズ環境設計, 2東京大学生産技術研究所
1NEWS Environmenral Design, 2I.I.S., Univ. of Tokyo




2019年3月26日(東京)開催 <(一社)日本音響学会 騒音・振動研究会資料>

N-2019-13 【 PDF
一般道路における自動車走行騒音の音響パワーレベル ー全国各地の密粒舗装での測定データに基づく検討一
Experimental study on sound power level of road vehicles running on dense asphalt pavements at various sites in Japan
岡田 恭明1、市川 友己1、吉久 光一1、植村 友昭2、米村 美紀3、李 孝珍3、坂本 慎一3、山内 勝也4
Y. Okada1, T. Ichikawa1, K. Yoshihisa1, T. Uemura2, M. Yonemura3, H. Lee3, S. Sakamoto3, K. Yamauchi4
1名城大学理工学部, 2鴻池組技術研究所, 3東京大学生産技術研究所, 4九州大学芸術工学研究院
1Faculty of Sci. and Tech., Meijo Univ., 2RIT,Konoike Co. Ltd, 3IIS, The Univ. of Tokyo, 4Faculty of Design, Kyushu Univ.

国内各地の一般道路において,密粒舗装を走行する車両のA特性音曹パワーレベルLwAの測定を2010~18年にかけて実施した。約5,800台のデータから得た4車種(乗用車,小型貨物車,中型車,大型車)のLwAと我が国の環境影曹評価等で広く活用されているASJRTN-Model 2013で提案されているそれらとを比較した結果,乗用車のLwAはモデルに比べて1.1dB低く,その他3車種については0.5dB以下の違いであることなどを確認した。また,ハイブリッド車のLwAは,速度40km/h以上の定常走行時では,ガソリンエンジン車のそれに比べて相対的に0.6dB低くなる傾向が認められた。


音源特性,パワースペクトル,ハイブリッド車,ASJ RTN-Model 2018
N-2019-14 【 PDF
Sound power level and power specrtum of road vehicles runnmg on expressways.
福島 昭則1、ー木 智之1、太田 達也1、舷橋 修2、大蔵 崇2、岩吹 啓史2、兼重 仁2
FUKUSHIMA Akinori1, ITIKI Tomoyuki1, OHTA Tatsuya1, FUNAHASHI Osamu2, OOKURA Takashi2, IWABUKI Hiroshi2, KANESHIGE Hitoshi2
1ニューズ環境設計, 2高速道路総合技術研究所
1NEWS Envirorunenral Design, 2NEXCO Research Institute

自動車専用道路の排水性舗装(高機能舗装I型)区間と高機能舗装Ⅱ型区間における実走行車両の音源特性を把握する目的で走行騒音の測定を行った。算出した車種別の音響パワーレベルを用いて,パワーレベルの速度依存性,経年変化を検討した。その結果,排水性舗装区間については,道路交通騒音の予測モデルASJ RTN-Model 2013[1]よりもパワーレベルは小さく,経年変化も小さいことが分かった。同様に,高機能舗装11型区間でのパワーレベルを検討し,パワーレベル式を提案した。また,音響パワースペクトルについても,車種別の平均パワースペクトルを算出した。卓趙周波数は,大型車こ中型車こ小型車類の順に高くなることを確認した。さらに,パワーレベル測定点での時間平均スペクトルから,排水性舗装区間と高機能舗装Ⅱ型区間における代表スペクトルを算出した。


N-2019-15 【 PDF
3次元波動数値解析によるASJRTN-Model実用計算法の検証 ー厚みのある障害物での回折について一
Validation of practical prediction model "ASJ RTN-Model" through three-dimensional wave-based numerical analysis: on diffraction around thick barrier
安田 洋介1、阿部 菜摘1、関根 秀久1、福島 昭則2
Yosuke Yasuda1, Natsumi Abe1, Hidehisa Sekine1, Akinori Fukushima2
1神奈川大学工学部, 2ニューズ環境設計
1Faculty of Engineering, Kanagawa University, 2News Environmental Design Inc.

日本音響学会が発表している道路交通騒音の予測モデル“ASJRTNModel”における,厚みのある障害物による一回・ニ回回折を伴う伝搬計算法について, 3次元波動数値解析により精度を検証した.二回回折,領域Ⅲの問題に関しては,受音点が比較的地表面に近接している場合も,地表面の影響を受音点の鏡像を考慮してエネルギー的に加算しておけば,オーバオール値を直接算出する方法,周波数ごとに計算する方法の両手法で精度よく予測できることが確認された.一方,盛土道路上を自動車が走行するようなタイプの一回回折の問題に関しては,直角ウェッジのための回折補正量を用いるとかなり安全側の予測値となる場合があることが確認された.盛土道路のように音源の設置面が無限大平面とみなせない場合は注意が必要である.


ASJ RTN-Model,回折,波動数値解析,境界要素法
N-2019-16 【 PDF
道路交通騒音に及ぼす気象の影響 ー風の影響による地表面効果および回折補正量の変化に関する波動解析一
Study on the meteorological effects on road traffic noise propagation: Numerical experiments on variations in ground attenuation and di伍actionby a simple barrier due to wind effect
横田 考俊1、松本 敏雄1、福島 昭則2
Takatoshi Yokota1, Toshio Matsumoto1, Akinori Fukushima2
1小林理学研究所, 2ニューズ環境設計
1Kobayasi Institute of Physical Research, 2NEWS Environmental Design

風や大気の温度勾配により,騒音の伝搬性状は極めて複雑に変化する。ここでは,道路交通騒音の伝搬に及ぼす風の影響について,波動数値解析により検討を行った。まず,平坦地面上の直線道路を想定して地表面と風の相互影曹を考慮してPE解析を行った。地表面種別ごとに風の影曹による道路交通騒音のLMの変化について整理するとともに, ASJRTN-Model を用いて地表面種別ごとに道路交通騒音のLAEおよび風の影脚によるLAeqの変化量を算出し,結果を比較した。つぎに,遮音壁による回折減衰についてFDTD法により解析を行い,風の影曹による回折減衰量の変化について特徴を整理した。


N-2019-17 【 PDF
Comparison between calculation and field experiment of road traffic noise around tunnel mouth
坂本 慎一1、松本 敏雄2、舷橋 修3
Shinichi Sakamoto1, Toshio Matsumoto2, Osamu Funahashi3
1東京大学生産技術研究所, 2小林理学研究所, 3(株)高速道路総合技術研究所
1Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, 2Kobayasi-Institute of Physical Research, 3Nippon Expressway Research Institute Company Limited

ASJRTN-Model におけるトンネル坑口音の予測計算方法では, トンネル内の実音源からの直達音の寄与と, トンネル内壁面で多重反射を繰り返しながら坑口から放射される拡散音の寄与の和として計算する。そのうち拡散音成分は,坑口面を10個程度の面要素に分割し,各面要素に無指向性点音源を設定するごとになっているが, トンネル坑口音に関する縮尺模型実験により, トンネル坑口音は指向性を有することが確認されていることから,拡散音成分に音源位置に応じた指向性を与える方法が提案されている。本検討では,実トンネルで行われた試験車実験の結果を検証データとして,拡散音成分として無指向性音源を与える従来の計算方法と,指向性音源を与える計算方法の精度を比較した。その結果,道路から近い予測点に対しては両計算方法が同様の結果を与えるが,道路から遠い予測点では,拡散音成分に指向性を与える計算方法の方が高い精度を与えることが分かった。


ASJ RTN-Model,トンネル坑口周辺部,伝搬計算法
N-2019-18 【 PDF
建物群背後における道路交通騒音の実用計算法に関する精度検証 ―市街地における実測値と計算値の比較ー
Accuracy Verification of a Practical Method of Road Traffic Noise for Areas behind Buildings: Comparison of Calculation Values with Measured Ones in Urban Districts
穴井 謙1、松本 敏雄2、横田 考俊2、坂本 慎一3
Ken Anai1, Toshia Matsumoto2, Takatoshi Yokota2, Shinichi Sakamoto3
1福岡大学工学部, 2小林理学研究所, 3東京大学生産技術研究所
1Faculty of Engineering, Fukuoka University, 2Kobayasi Institute of Physical Research, 3Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo

本報告では,建物群背後における騒音予測法としてASJ RTN-Model2018に掲載されている実用計算法について,市街地において実測値と計算値との検証を行っている。戸建て住宅地におけるテスト走行車両によるユニットパターンの検証では,平面道路あるいは切土道路でテスト車両を定常走行させ,その道路に面する住宅群の背後地において,ユニットパターンにおける最大騒音レベルLA,Fmaxの実測値と計算値のレベル差を検討し,概ね±3dBに収まっており良い対応であったことを述べている。特に切土道路の場合は,実用計算法により対象道路を平面道路と仮定して求めた建物群の減衰補正量に加えて,切土先端部における回折補正量を考慮することで予測精度が向上することを明らかにし,実用計算法の適用範囲を広げられることを示している。また,道路交通センサスデータに基づく等価騒音レベルの検証では,旅行速度からASJ RTN-Model 2018に基づき音曹パワーレベルを推定し,地図データから得られる幾何情報で建物群による減衰補正量を計算している。その計算値と実測値とのレベル差が,ある対象道路では概ね±3dB以内,もう一方の対象道路では概ね±5dB以内であったことを示し,実用計算法はノイズマップの作成にも有効であることを実証している。


N-2019-19 【 PDF
道路交通騒音の予測モデル“ASJ RTN-Model 2018”の予測精度検証
Examination on Prediction Accuracy of the Road Traffic Noise Prediction Model "ASJ RTN-Model 2018"
山内 勝也1、田近 輝俊2、福島 昭則3、穴井 謙4
Katsuya Yamauchi1, Terutoshi Tajika2, Akinori Fukushima3, Ken Anai4
1九州大学芸術工学研究院, 2環境技術研究所, 3ニューズ環境設計, 4福岡大学工学部
1Faculty of Design, Kyushu Univ., 2Enviromnental Technical Laboratory, Ltd., 3NEWS Environmental Design Inc., 4Faculty of Engineering, Fukuoka Univ.

ASJ RTN-Model 2018では,予測の精度向上を目指して音源特性や伝搬計算の更新が行われた。一方で,予測計算式を簡略化するため自動車走行騒音のパワーレベルの設定や伝搬計算に多くの仮定が含まれており,その予測精度を検討しておく必要がある。本資料では,密粒舗装の一般道路における予測精度の検証として, ASJ RTN-Model 2018 による計算値と実測値との対応に関する検討を報告する。計算値と実測値のレベル差Δ (LAeqの計算値実測値)は,昼間で+0.4dB,夜間で-0.8dBであり,良い対応が見られた。昼間では87%,夜間では76%が計算値と実測値との差が±3dBの範囲内に収まった。また音源特性について,従来の4車種分類が3車種分類に変更されたことを受け,車種分類によるLAeq計算値の違いについて検討した結果を報告する。実用性を考慮した2車種分類を用いた場合でも,大型車類に占める中型車の割合が10~80%の範囲尉であれば, 3車種分類での予測値との差は1dB以内であることが確認された。


道路交通騒音,予測モデル,精度,ASJRTN-Model 2018,車種分類
N-2019-20 【 PDF
自動車専用道路沿道における"ASJ RTN-Model 2018" の予測精度の検証
Comparison of predicted LAeq by "ASJ RTN-Model 2018" and measured LAeq on the roadside of expressway.
福島 昭則1、一木 智之1、太田 達也1、舩橋 修2、大蔵 崇2、岩吹 啓史2、兼重 仁2、長船 寿一3
FUKUSHIMA Akinori1, ITIKI Tomoyuki1, OHTA Tatsuya1, FUNAHASHI Osamu2, OOKURA Takashi2, IWABUKI Hiroshi2, KANESHIGE Hitoshi2, OSAFUNE Toshikaz3
1ニューズ環境設計, 2高速道路総合技術研究所, 3中日本ハイウェイ・エンジニアリング東京
1NEWS Envirorunenral Design, 2NEXCO Research Institute, 3Central Nippon Highway Engineering Tokyo

道路交通騒音の予測モデルASJ RTN-Model 2013[1]には, LAeqの計算値と測定値の比較により予測精度が示されているが,道路端や官民境界などの道路近傍で音源がよく見える地点でのデータが多く,距離減衰が支配的な伝搬計算となり,回折等を含めた伝搬計算が検証されているか明らかでない。そこで,排水性舗装あるいは高機能舗装Ⅱ型の自動車専用道路において,法肩や遮音壁での回折が考えられる沿道とそれらの回折が考えられない道路近傍において実測調査を行い, LAeqの測定値と,最新の知見により見直されることとなったASJRTN-Model2018による計算値を比較することで,予測モデルの精度検証を行った。その結果,実測調査箇所では,計算値と測定値の差は土3dB以内であることを確認した。


道路交通騒音,ASJRTN-Model 2018,自動車専用道路,パワーレベル,伝搬計算,予測精度

2019年5月15日(名古屋)開催 <(一社)日本音響学会 騒音・振動研究会資料>

N-2019-21 【 PDF
Comparison of predicted LAeq by "ASJ RTN-Model 2018" and measured LAeq on the roadside of expressway.Influence of the difference in the kind of sound source and presentation level on intellectual work.
Takahiro Sato1、Hiroto Houjo1、Taro Miura2、Masahito Kobayashi2、Motohiro Shinabe2、Sohei Tsujimura1
1Grad. School of Sci. and Eng.、Ibaraki University、2Tobishima Corporation

オフィスの暗騒音に音を付加する際の種類や提示レベルの違いが、個人での知識処理作業及び知識創造作業に及ぼす影響を検討することを目的に、主観評価実験を実施した。その結果、音声マスカーは低い提示レベルでも知識処理作業及び知識創造作業時に作業性の低下や妨害感を発生させる可能性が示された。一方、背景騒音が40 dBの環境での付加音が音楽や自然音の場合、SN比+6 dBまでは、いずれの作業でも作業しやすく妨害感を感じない印象をもたらすことが示唆された。さらに暗騒音レベルの違いによる影響を検討した結果、知識創造作業に比べ、知識処理作業では暗騒音レベルの上昇により評価が低下しやすく、提示レベルによる影響を受けやすい傾向がみられた。


In order to investigate an influence of the difference in the kind of sound source and presentation level on personal intellectual work、subjective experiments were conducted in our study. From the results、we found that speech-like masker cause decrease of workability and obstructive impression on knowledge processing work and knowledge creative work even at low presentation level. On the other hand、when the additional sound with a background noise of 40 dB was music or natural sound、it was suggested that these sounds make a positive impression of workability on both intellectual works until signal-to-noise ratio condition is +6 dB. Furthermore、as a result of investigating an influence of difference in back ground noise level、it was suggested that the evaluation oIn Japan、lots of social surveys on community response to road traffic noise along the arterial roads have been carried out. Based on the relationships between exposure and community response associated with road traffic noise obtained through the surveys、the standard/limitation values shoud be regulated. However、the previous surveys have not yet clarified community reactions to each noise source: engine、exhaust、tire、road surface noises and so on. This paper focuses on not only community response to road traffic noise obtained from the secondary analysis using the Socio-acoustic Survey Data Archive (SASDA) but also community reactions to vehicle noises via an Internet questionnaire survey in 2018. In addition、the authors mention both issues of the surveys focusing on vehicle noise and road traffic noise.f workability on knowledge processing work decline more largely than knowledge creative work due to the increase in background noise level. This result indicated the possible that knowledge processing work is sensitive to presentation level.

Office,Intellectual work,Degree of disturbance,Speech noise
N-2019-22 【 PDF
Current status and issues of social surveys on noises from viechles travelling on the arterial roads
1Kanagawa Environmental Research Center、2Defence Facilities Environment Improvement Association、3Ibaraki University、4Kanagawa University



In Japan、lots of social surveys on community response to road traffic noisealong the arterial roads have been carried out. Based on the relationships betweenexposure and community response associated with road traffic noise obtained throughthe surveys、the standard/limitation values shoud be regulated. However、the previoussurveys have not yet clarified community reactions to each noise source: engine、exhaust、tire、road surface noises and so on. This paper focuses on not only communityresponse to road traffic noise obtained from the secondary analysis using theSocio-acoustic Survey Data Archive (SASDA) but also community reactions to vehiclenoises via an Internet questionnaire survey in 2018. In addition、the authors mentionboth issues of the surveys focusing on vehicle noise and road traffic noise.

Vehicle noise,Road traffic noise,Social survey,Dose-response relationship
N-2019-23 【 PDF
Fluctuation of Traffic Noise in Roadside Area



As we approach to the road、the influence of neareast nefghbour of running vehicle becomes dominant in traffic noise. the fluctuation of noise level in mainly determined by LAmax fo neareast neighbor and the background noise of other vehicles.

road traffic noise,Lamax,background noise
N-2019-24 【 PDF
Experimental study on radiated noise from drainage facilities in residential buildings
T. Ichikawa、Y. Okada、K. Yoshihisa
Faculty of Science and Technology、Meijo Univ.

排水設備から発生する流水音は、空気伝搬音と固体伝搬音とに分けられると言われているが、それらの測定や評価に関する規格等がないのが現状である。そこで、本研究では、中高層の集合住宅等に配管されている排水設備を模擬した実験タワーを用いて、一定流量を負荷した際に発生する騒音と振動の測定を種々の条件下で行った。その結果、排水設備騒音を検討する際には、排水時間の長さによって時間平均音圧レベルと時間率音圧レベルを使い分けて行うのが実用上有効であること、また流水音のA特性音圧レベルとRC床スラブ上の振動加速度レベルは、周波数2 kHz以上の帯域が支配的で、排水負荷流量の対数に比例して増加することなどがわかった。


The noise generated form drainage facilities in the buildings is classifiable as airand structure-borne sound as a whole. Also、there is not the standard or guidelines applicable to measurement and evaluation of drainage noise. In this study、to examine the characteristics of noise generated from running water in drainage pipes under various ow rate conditions、noise and vibration measurements were performed by using a tower which is assumed to be drainage facilities installed in the high-rise buildings. As a result、from a practical perspective、it is effective that the time-averaged sound pressure level or percentile sound pressure level is selected as a measurement index for drainage noise in consideration of the drainage time in the pipes. Additionally、the A-weighted sound pressure level of running water was dominated by frequency components of 2 kHz or more、and increased linearly with the logarithm of the ow rate. These tendencies were seen in the measurement results of acceleration vibration on the RC oor slab.

樹脂製継手,排水タワー,A 特性音圧レベル
PVC drainage fittings,Drainage tower,A-weighted sound pressure level
N-2019-25 【 PDF
An Example of Countermeasures for Abnormal Noise Emitted from Range Hood in Continuous Ventilation Mode
Shinichiro Sato1、Fumiya Ichikawa1、Yuichi Noro1、Kazama Yoichiro2
1Garaduate School of Engineering、Mie University、2Ginga Electric Co.、Ltd

低速運転による常時換気モードを備えたキッチン用レンジフードにおいて特定の運転条件下で異音が継続して発生するという事例が報告されている。前報でファン駆動用のDCブラシレスモータで発生したコギングトルクによりファンブレードが共振することをその原因として特定した。本報ではファンブレードの共振モードを簡単な系でモデル化し、ブレードから発せられる異音の音圧レベルを定式化すると共に、有効と考えられる2 つの対策を提案する。


It was reported as complaints from some consumers that a part of kitchen range hoods in 24-hour ventilation mode with low-speed emits abnormal noise under speciffic conditions. Our previous report revealed that the cause of the noise was the resonance of fan blades by cogging torque of DC brush-less motor for driving the sirocco fan unit. In this report、we proposed two practical and effective methods for noise reduction based on modeling with a torsional vibration system and deriving estimation formula of emitted sound level.

コギングトルク,共振,ねじり振動,DC ブラシレスモータ,異音
cogging torque,resonance,torsional vibration,DC brush-less motor,abnormal noise
N-2019-26 【 PDF
Radiation of Road Traffic Vibration Characteristic - Preliminary Test Results by a Light van -
Yasuyuki SANO

本研究では、道路交通振動の発生源特性を把握を目的としている。本報では、貨客車を用いて、速度依存性、重量依存性、段差依存性などを把握するための予備実験の結果について報告する。実験の結果、次に示すことを明らかにした。車速依存性については、INCE/J RTV Model-2003 の傾きと近い値である。重量依存性については、その傾向が認められるものの、ばらつきが大きい結果である。段差依存性については、段差に比例する。段差の乗上と降りる際の衝撃振動について比較したが、顕著な差は認められない。


The purpose of this research is to identify the source characteristics of road traffic vibration. As a result of the experiment、it became clear that.The vehicle speed dependency is close to the slope of INCE / J RTV Model-2003. Although there is a tendency for weight dependency、this is a result of large variation. As for the gap dependency、results proportional to the gap are obtained. The impact vibration at the time of getting on and off the step is similar.

Road traffic vibration,Vibration source characteristics,Speed dependency,Weight dependency,Speed dependency

2019年6月14日(東京)開催 <(一社)日本音響学会 騒音・振動研究会資料>

N-2019-27 【 PDF
Highly annoyed のカットオフ値に関する基礎検討 ~ICBEN の5 段階および11 段階尺度による比較~
Fundamental investigation of the cutoff point for the dividing into “highly annoyed” -Comparison of annoyance responses measured by ICBEN 5-pt verbal and 11-pt numerical scales-
Makoto Morinaga1、Nguyen Thu Lan2、Koji Shimoyama3、Takashi Morihara4、Shigenori Yokoshima5、Takashi Yano6
1Defense Facilities Environment Improvement Association、2Shimane University、3Aviation Environment Research Center、4Ishikawa National College of Technology、5Kanagawa Prefectural Environmental Research Center、6Kumamoto University

ICBEN Team 6によって5段階と11段階の標準的なアノイアンス尺度が提案されて以来、社会反応の国際比較が容易となった。しかしながら、5段階尺度の上位2段階(上位40%)と11段階尺度の上位3段階(上位27%)への反応割合を% Highly Annoyed とする2つの定義が混在し、アノイアンスの影響をメタ分析する際に混乱をきたしている。本報告では日本とベトナムでこれら2 つの尺度を使って実施された40のデータセットを基に、両者による10%Highly Annoyed に対応するLden の差を求めた。その結果、5 段階尺度の10%Highly Annoyed に対応するLden値は11 段階尺度に関するLden値よりも約5 dB小さく、統一的に扱うためには補正が必要であることを示した。


Since 5-pt verbal and 11-pt numerical scales were developed by ICBEN Team 6、these scales have been widely used in social surveys across the world. However、it is difficult to precisely compare annoyance responses、because both the top two categories of 5-pt scale and the top three of 11-pt scale are defined as high annoyance. Therefore、difference in Lden value corresponding to the two kinds of 10 % highly annoyed (HA) was calculated based on 40 datasets from surveys conducted in Japan and Vietnam. As a result、the Lden value at 10% HA for 5-pt scale was approximately 5 dB smaller than that for 11-pt scale. Thus、some correction is required to compare annoyance responses measured by 5-pt and 11-pt scales.

アノイアンス,ICBEN 尺度,曝露反応関係,社会調査
Annoyance,ICBEN scales,Exposure-response relationship,Social survey
N-2019-28 【 PDF
Music Siren--Its History and Present State A Case Study of Hamamatsu
Katsushi KANEKO1、Masaaki UENO2
1Rikkyo University、2Kyoto City University of Arts

戦後日本の音風景を特徴づけてきたもののひとつにミュージックサイレンがある。ヤマハ株式会社が開発した改良型サイレンで、音程の異なる複数のサイレンを組み合わせて、メロディーを奏でることを可能にしたものである。本論は、ミュージックサイレンの歴史を文献資料から解明するとともに現状を概観し、あわせて、2018 年12 月に吹鳴終了となった静岡県浜松市のミュージックサイレンに関するフィールド調査から、送り手としての管理運営者の位置づけや想い、聞き手としての地域住民の受容の一旦を探り、ミュージックサイレンとは何かを検討する試みである。


Frequent air-raid siren sounds during World War Ⅱ had totally changed the meaning of siren sound of time signal. Whenever it sounded、every Japanese reflectly reminded the fear of the war. One of the solution was Music siren invented by Yamaha corporation. It’s a improved siren and made it possible to tell the time in a beautiful melodic sounds.
This was what Japanese at that time needed---Music siren diffused rapidly. In the end、nearly 200 sirens were installed and began to sing tunes everyday around Japan. It’s not too much to say that Music siren had changed Japanese soundscape.
This paper consists of two parts. The first part(from chapter 1 to chapter 3) deals with the history of Music siren in Japan and the second part(from chapter 4 to chapter 7) is the report of field survey in Hamamatsu city where the headquarters of Yamaha located. Hamamatsu city is a birth place of Music siren and the first product of it was installed at the rooftop of Yamaha No.4 building. We will also report the last day of the first product of Music siren.

Music siren,Yamaha corporation,Hamamatsu city,Time signal,Noise
N-2019-29 【 PDF
A measurement technique of normal incident absorption coefficient and acoustic impedance using two cardioid microphones in an impedance tube
Kazuma Hoshi1、Toshiki Hanyu1
1Department of Architecture and Living Design、Junior College、Nihon University

カーディオイドマイクロホンを用いて、音響管内に設置された材の 垂直入射吸音率の測定を試みた.カーディオイドマイクロホンの指向性を、音 源方向に向けて測定したデータと、試料材の方向に向けて測定したデータから、音圧と粒子速度を求め、それらから材の表面インピーダンスを推定する.検討 の結果、カーディオイドマイクロホンがもつ音圧と粒子速度の複素比が測定結 果に影響することから、これを補正することにより、材の表面インピーダンス ならびに吸音率を計測できることがわかった.


Two omnidirectional microphones in an acoustic tube are usually used to measure the surface normal impedance and absorption coefficient of materials. This measurement technique is speciffied in ISO10354-2、JIS1405-2、and so on. In this paper、we tried to obtain the surface normal impedance of material using two cardioid microphones in the tube. As a result、it was clarified that the ratio of sound pressure and velocity effect on the value of impedance measurement. Therefore when the ratio is equalized、the values of impedance and absorption coefficient can be obtained as with the values using two omnidirectional microphones.

Cardioid microphone,Absorption coefficient,Surface normal impedance,Acoustic impedance tube
N-2019-30 【 PDF
Prediction of Ground Vibration Responses Based on Soil Properties Estimated by Using Surface Wave Method
Kajima Technical Research Institute

建設工事や車両走行、最近ではライブハウスでのタテノリなど、発生した振動 が地盤を介して周辺に伝播し問題となることがある。このような地盤振動は地 表近くを伝播する表面波が支配的となることが知られている。これらの問題を 解決するためには、地盤を介した環境振動の影響予測の精度向上および必要に 応じた対策の検討が求められるが、そのためには対象となる地盤の振動伝播特 性の適切な評価、すなわち地盤物性の把握が必須である。本報では、地盤応答 解析に用いる表層の地盤特性を簡易な方法で精度良く把握することを目的と して、実地盤での測定結果に表面波探査法を適用し、表層地盤の伝播速度の推 定を行った。その結果、本手法で得られた伝播速度を使った地盤応答解析は、N 値と土質種別から推定した値を使った解析よりも実地盤の伝播特性と対応す ることを確認した。また、簡易な測定法として、可搬性の良い加振源を用いた 場合について検討した結果を述べる。


Ground vibration generated by construction processes、vehicle traffics and jumping behavior of audience at live concert sometimes induces vibration problem around the vibration source. The surface wave has the most dominant impact in the ground vibration components. Predicting the effect of ground vibration in high accuracy and considering measures as required are asked to solve these vibration problems. Therefore、it is essential to estimate the propagation characteristics and grasp the ground properties. In this paper、the authors aimed to precisely figure out the ground characteristics of subsurface layers by a simple method. The surface wave method was applied to the estimation of propagation velocity in subsurface layers. As a result、the analysis results of ground vibration response obtained from these properties by using the regression curve with regard to soil property and N value. And、we investigated a vibration source which has good portability in order to measure the vibration response easier.

environmental vibration,surface wave method,shear wave velocity
N-2019-31 【 PDF
Influence of sound on vibration sensation for vehicle vibration
Nihon University、College of Science and Technology

自動車や鉄道車両等の乗員は、振動と同時に音も存在する環境に置かれている。本研究は、車両振動を対象とした振動感覚に音刺激が与える影響について実験的に検討することを目的としている。アンケートによる心理学的手法を用いて実験参加者に振動と音を同時に暴露した時の振動感覚を測定した。振動刺激は乗物の振動環境を想定した低周波全身振動、音刺激は音楽と雑音を用いた。実験の結果、振動と音を同等の大きさに感じる等価騒音レベルは振動レベルに比例して増加することが分かった。また、振動加速度レベルが80 dB 以上になると、音刺激により振動の感覚的強度と不快感は振動刺激の単独条件に対してわずかに減少する傾向がみられた。


The passenger of vehicles and trains experience a variety of vibration and noise stimulation from the surrounding environments. We are exposed to an environment with both vibration and noise generated simultaneously in vehicles such as the automobiles and trains. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of noise on vibration sensation such as strength and uncomfortable sensation. The vibration sensation when the participants were simultaneously exposed to whole-body vibration and sound stimulation was measured by using a psychological method. The kind of vibration used in this experiment was sinusoidal vibration; the kind of noise was music sound and white noise. From the experimental results、it was found that the equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure level which feels vibration and sound to the same magnitude increases in proportion to the vibration level. The vibration sensation strength and uncomfortable sensation of vibration tended to decrease only slightly compared to the vibration alone conditions when the vibration acceleration level is over 80 dB.

Vibration sensation,Whole-body vibration,Vibration acceleration level,Vibration level,Psychological response
N-2019-32 【 PDF
Examination for environmental vibration measurement method on carpet using vibration control rubber
Nihon University



In this study、we are examining the method to prevent mounted resonance of carpet floor for floor slab. Up to now、contrary to the conventional idea、as a proposed method using the vibration control rubber、resonance is generated in the low frequency. Next、the floor vibration of the concrete slab from which the carpet was peeled off was estimated using the vibration transmission rate of the vibration control rubber. The results showed good correspondence with measured values. In this paper、the experimental examination was conducted for the floor of a wooden detached house with a small impedance level compared to the concrete slab. As a result、it was possible to estimate the vibration of the wooden floor under the carpet without peeling off the carpet even in the case of a wooden detached house. This report shows the results.

Vibration transmission rate,Vibration control rubber,Carpet,Wooden floor,Mounted resonance

2019年7月11日(横浜)開催 <(一社)日本音響学会 騒音・振動研究会資料>

N-2019-33 【 PDF
Examination of Vibration Response Physical Quantity and Vibration Sensory Evaluation for Multiple Vibration Sources in Real Houses
Yuta Goto、Katsuo Inoue、Ryuta Tomita
Nihon University

我々はこれまで振動評価に関する研究として、実際の建物において、人の振動感覚と対応する振動応答量について様々な検討を行い、振動の継続時間に対する適切な時間影響を考慮することで人の振動感覚との対応が良くなることを報告してきた。 本報では、実際の住宅において複数の振動源を対象として振動感覚評価実験を行い、鉛直振動を対象に我々が提案した評価尺度と旧指針の推奨する評価尺度、新規準の推奨する評価尺度との比較、検討を行った。その結果、人の振動評価には振動の振幅と振動を知覚する時間の影響が寄与することが示唆された。


As a study on vibration evaluation、we have made various studies on human vibration sense and corresponding vibration response amount in real buildings、and considering the appropriate time influence according to the duration of vibration. As a result、it has been reported that the correspondence with the sense of vibration is improved. In this report、vibration sensation evaluation experiments were conducted for multiple vibration sources in an actual houses、evaluation scale proposed by us for vertical vibrations、evaluation scale recommended by old guideline、evaluation criteria recommended by new standard. As a result、it was suggested that the influence of the amplitude of vibration and the time to perceive vibration contribute to the evaluation of human vibration.

Vibration response amount,Vibration evaluation,Vibration source,Vibration perception time,Vertical vibration
N-2019-34 【 PDF
Examination of measurement method using vibration control rubber on horizontal vibration of carpet
1Nihon University、2Rion



In this study、we are examining the method to prevent mounted resonance of carpet for floor slab. Up to now、contrary to the conventional idea、as a proposed method using the vibration control rubber、resonance is generated in the low frequency. Next、the floor vibration of the concrete slab from which the carpet was peeled off was estimated using the vibration transmission rate of the vibration control rubber. Furthermore、the measurement method was also effective for the vibration acceleration of a wooden floor with a low impedance level compared to a concrete slab. In this report、the same experimental examination using vibration control rubber was carried out about the method of outputting the sine wave of the measurement object frequency from the exciter for prevent the installation resonance. In addition to the vertical direction so far、the vibration direction was also targeted for horizontal vibration. This report shows the results.

Vibration transmission rate,Vibration control rubber,Carpet,horizontal direction,Vertical direction
N-2019-35 【 PDF
Measuring environmental noise using a direction of sound arrival identifier
Naru Sato、Keishi Sakoda

環境騒音の評価のため『騒音に係る環境基準の評価マニュアル』[1]に沿った測定を行う場合、除外音の判別作業に手間が掛かると考えられる。マニュアルでは1 時間ごとに最低10 分の測定を行うことになっているが、測定の精度を高めるために担当者が測定箇所で目視および聞き取りにより除外音の識別を行っていることが多い。また複数の測定場所を巡回しなければならないなど、多くの工数が掛かる。そこで、我々は相互相関法による音到来方向の検出機能をもつシステムを用いて上記のマニュアルに沿った測定を行ったところ、従来の騒音計を用いた測定よりも簡便に、マニュアルに準拠した測定を行える可能性が示唆されたので報告する。


In Japan、basically we use "The Manual for Evaluation of Environmental Quality Standards for Noise" to evaluate environmental noise. In the manual、it is supposed to measure at least 10 minutes every 1 hour、but in order to improve the accuracy of measurement、measurers distinguish exclusion sounds by visual observation and listening at the measurement places. Therefore、even though the required measurement time is 10 minutes、we think that it is necessary to stay at each measurement place during all the measurement time actually. We carried out measurements according to the manual using a system with a direction of sound arrival identifier by a correlation method、and conducted experiments to evaluate the identification performance of exclusion sounds. As a result、it was suggested that measurements according to the manual was able to be performed more conveniently than the measurements using simple sound level meters.

Environmental noise,DOA,Cross correlation method
N-2019-36 【 PDF
Fluctuation component control technology for time periodic fluctuating sound
Natsuki OHIRA、Masayoshi OTAKA
株式会社 小野測器



We developed sound quality index which enables to extract periodic time fluctuation component from various sounds. This time fluctuation analysis permits to express how the sound is fluctuated at particular fluctuation frequency in conjunction with tone frequency in specially created color grid map. It is effective to detect annoying sounds like rattling or beating sound those which caused by revolution such as engine or motor.
We sometime utilize band-limiting filter in frequency in order to swell the component of periodic fluctuation、when you check hearing impression for sound quality improvement. However、this filtering process makes change in frequency characteristics. Also、such fluctuation components cannot be eliminated if sound level for the frequency band is decreased.
Therefore、we developed a new fluctuation filtering analysis method which allows to increase and decrease the component of periodic time fluctuation without changing frequency characteristics. This paper describes the principles of developed method and several case studies applying for automotive sound.

Sound quality evaluation,Fluctuation sound analysis,Roughness,Fluctuation sound simulator
N-2019-37 【 PDF
NV measurement using bench test (RC-S)
Kanya Ito、Masayuki Konishi. Keiji Mikami
Ono Sokki Co.、Ltd.

電気自動車の普及や騒音規制等の背景から、動力源やロードノイズの低減により顕在化する音に対し、先行してトータルなサウンドデザインが求められる.また自動車産業の開発プロセスは、フロントローディングが推進されている.そこで我々は、台上試験装置(RC-S)と騒音振動の計測技術を兼ね揃えたソリューションを提供し、開発のフロントローディングに貢献する.本稿では、RC-S を用いて、乗用車のシフトショック音の評価を実施した.シフトショック音は、車内において1 kHz ~ 2 kHz の帯域で生じ、固体伝搬が主要であると推定できた.RC-S では、天候に左右されず、ロードノイズの無い環境で比較的小さな騒音振動の評価が可能であることを確認した.


There is a social background towards reducing vehicle noise such as UN-ECE R51-03 and R51-02. The noise reduction of powertrain system due to electrification causes the problem that the masked noise derived from motors becomes apparent. For that reason、a total sound design is required prior to the small sound of the vehicle. In addition、front loading is promoted in the development process of the automobile industry. Therefore、we provide the solution that combines bench test (RC-S: Real-Car Simulation bench) and NV (Noise and Vibration) measurement technology、and contribute to the front loading of the development. In this paper、we carried out the evaluation of the shift shock sound of the passenger car on RC-S bench. The analysis result obtained that the shift shock sound has the level at 1 kHz to 2 kHz band in cabin、and we estimated that the structure-borne sound caused by the resonance frequency of a part of mounts of the vehicle was dominant. We confirmed that the measurement on RC-S bench is able to evaluate relatively small sound and vibration in an environment free from road noise、regardless of the weather.

台上試験,車両評価,NVH 測定,シフトショック,固体伝搬音
Bench test,Vehicle evaluation,NVH measurement,Shift shock,Structure-borne sound
N-2019-38 【 PDF
Noise and vibration reduction by structural optimization of transfer path.
Koji Urakabe1、Takahito Watanabe1、Chikara Nakazato2、Haruki Minagawa2
1Ono Sokki Co.、Ltd.、2Quint Corp.



In assembly products including automobiles、noise and vibration problems may occur when components ware assembled. In order to solve this problem、it is preferable to use experiments and CAE effectively. In this work、we show an example of reducing noise from assembly products by performing model update using experiment data and shape optimization technology and design change using topology optimization. Assembly products are a simplified experimental model.

Process of experiment and CAE,Model Correlation,Shape Optimization,Finite Element Method,Vibration / Traction Method

2019年9月24日(大阪)開催 <(一社)日本音響学会 騒音・振動研究会資料>

N-2019-39 【 PDF
Fundamental study on optimal prediction point interval for calculation of road traffic noise map
Kazunori HARADA1、Yasuhiro HIRAGURI2
1Faculty of Architecture、Kindai University、2Faculty of Architecture、Kindai University

本研究では、日本国内でのASJ RTN-Model を使用した道路交通ノイズマップ作成において、精度を保ちながら計算負荷を減らすために最適な予測点間隔を明らかにすることを目的とする。1 m間隔で対象とする街区の計算を行い、予測点間隔を広げた場合の計算結果の変化について検討した。結果として、建物の外周線上での代表値は、音源となる道路からの距離が40 m以内であれば予測点5 m 間隔、それ以上であれば予測点10 m間隔で計算することで、予測点1 m 間隔で計算した値に近い結果を得られる可能性が見られた。


The purpose of this study is to clarify the optimal prediction point interval to reduce the calculation load while maintaining the accuracy in the calculation of the road traffic noise map using ASJ RTN-Model in Japan. The calculation of the target block was conducted at 1 m predicted point intervals、and the transition of the calculation results when the interval was widened was examined. As a result、the values by calculated at 1 m intervals is predicted by calculating at prediction point intervals of 5 m if the distance from the noise source on the road is within 40 m、and at prediction point intervals of 10 m if over 40 m.

Road traffic noise,Noise map,Intervals of prediction points,Interpolation accuracy
N-2019-40 【 PDF
Theoretical examination of acoustic propagation in a rectangular duct using image method
Yusuke Makino、Yasushi Takano
Graduate School of Engineering、Kyoto University



Topology of the radiated field affects the radiation coefficient of vibrating plane. In this report、results of theoretical study are shown for the sound emission when a rectangular panel vibrates in arbitrary mode in an infinite rigid duct with a rectangular cross section is shown. Sound waves emitted from arbitrary panel vibrations can be expressed as a composition of plane waves from bending waves calculated by spatial Fourier transform. The sound field inside the rectangular cross section duct is equivalent to the sound field radiated into free space by using the image method. It has been shown that the acoustic radiation due to any vibration mode of the panel in the cross section in the rectangular cross section duct can be calculated. It is our future work to investigate the possibility of controlling noise radiation by placing ducts on vibrating bodies.

Duct,Spatial Fourier Transform,Wavenumber Decomposition,Image Method,Vibration Mode
N-2019-41 【 PDF
Sound diffraction at right-angled corner with fillet
Yasuhito Kawai
Faculty of Environmental and Urban Engineering、Kansai University

市街地の騒音伝搬等の予測において、建物等の直角コーナー部の音の回折は興味ある問題である.また、市街地では、しばしばR を付けたコーナー部を持つ建物も見受けられる.本稿では、両者による音の回折を鏡像法を利用した領域結合型の境界積分方程式を用いて解析し、それぞれの音場を比較検討した.


Sound diffraction at right corners of buildings is an interesting problem. In large urban buildings、corners with R are often found. In this paper、boundary integral equations using the mirror image method is used for sound diffraction by both cases and the respective sound fields were compared.

回折音,R 付き直角コーナー,境界要素法,鏡像法
Sound Diffraction,Right-angled Corner with llet,BEM,Image Method
N-2019-42 【 PDF
Gender difference in loudness evalution on change of sound pressure level
Kumi Nakada1、Yuriko kobayasi1、Naoki Watanabe1、Mariko Tsuruta-Hamamura1、Hiroshi Hasegawa1、Shin-ichiro Iwamiya2
1Graduate School of engineering、Utsunomiya University、2College of Art、Nihon University

音の大きさ評価に男女差が生じる要因を明らかにするために、音圧レベルの変化に対する音の大きさ評価の変化における男女差について検討した。基準音を設けたマグニチュード推定法と、調整条件をより細かく設定したマグニチュード産出法の実験を行い、実験結果に対してスティーブンスのべき法則のべき指数α を求めたが、男女で有意な差は認められなかった。「これ以下だと小さい」「これ以上だと大きい」という言葉を用いる調整法の実験では、先行研究と同様に男女差が認められ、女性の方が小さい音圧レベルに調整した。このことから、音の大きさ評価における男女差には、言葉による音の大きさの判断基準の男女差が影響していると考えられる。


The experiments using method of magnitude estimation and magnitude production were conducted to clarify the gender difference in loudness perception with changes in sound pressure level. As a result、no clear gender difference was observed for value of the power exponent α in Stevens’ power law. We could not obtain evidence of female participants’ higher sensitivity of loudness change to sound intensity change. However、the gender difference in loudness perception was observed when the method of adjustment and verbal categorization such as “loud” for the minimum sound pressure level and “soft” for the maximum sound pressure level was used for the evaluation of perceived loudness. As observed in the previous studies、female participants adjusted lower levels than did male participants to represent both soft and loud sound categories. The gender difference in loudness perception might appear to reflect differences in the way that the verbal category labels are applied to the loudness of a presented sound.

Loudness perception,Gender difference,Method of magnitude estimation,Method of magnitude production,Stevens’ power law
N-2019-43 【 PDF
Sound evaluation and modeling of pro-environment behavior in view of experiences with environmental sound
Shoji Aono1、Nozomi Nikaido2
1Graduate School of Human Sciences、Osaka Univ.、2Kuraray



Everyone could have experiences with noise trouble as not only a victim but also an offender. The major objectives of this investigation are to examine the effects of those experiences on sound evaluation、and analyze the factor structure of proenvironment behavior associated with life-environment sound. Participants were 40 university students. Questionnaire surveys and sound-evaluation experiments with 14 sound stimuli were conducted. The person with a strong sense of victimization was inclined to perceive the sound uncomfortable、while the experience as an offender increased noisiness. The path model of pro-environment behavior revealed that both experiences could encourage people to be thoughtful of sound environment.

sound evaluation,life-environment sound,experience,proenvironment behavior
N-2019-44 【 PDF
Relationship between the air-borne sound transmission and force-excited sound radiation from finite-sized elastic plates: Numerical studies
Kimihiro Sakagami1、Kazutoshi Takahashi1、Takeshi Okuzono1、Motoki Yairi2
1Kobe Univ.、2Kajima Tech. Res. Inst.

機械的加振による弾性板からの音響放射と、音波入射に対する音響透過の関係について、筆者らはこれまでの理論的研究から、単一の無限大弾性板に関して板の物性値を含まない形で両者の関係を線形な形で表現しうる変換関数を得た.さらに、2重無限大弾性板の場合にも、この変換関数が適用可能であることを示した.有限弾性板については、単純化したモデルにおいて上述の変換関数がおおよそ適用しうることを示したが、より一般的な条件での検討が必要である.本研究では、COMSOL Multiphysics®を利用した有限要素解析により、単一無限大弾性板の解析から得られた変換関数と、現実的な条件下での有限弾性板の変換関数を比較し、そのふるまいについて基礎的な検討を行った.音響管(4 マイクロホン法)でのシミュレーション結果からは概ね従来の知見を支持する結果が得られた.残響室法でのシミュレーションでは、大略の傾向が一致する可能性が示唆された.


Regarding the relationship between the air-borne sound transmission and force-excited sound radiation from a plate、the authors have studied so far. We obtained a “conversion function”、which does not depend on the plate’s parameters、for a single-leaf elastic plate of infinite extent. Also confirmed is the applicability of this conversion function to the case of double-leaf infinite elastic plates. As for a finite-sized plate、we have made a basic study in a simplified condition、and the results suggest that the function is also applicable to a rectangular plate in a duct with soft boundaries. In this report、a basic study using FEM is made to clarify if the function is applicable to more realistic cases. The results suggest that there is a possibility that the conversion function is applicable to finite elastic plate.

Airborne-sound transmission,Force-excited sound radiation,Conversion function,Finite elastic plate,Finite Element analyses
N-2019-45 【 PDF
FDTD 法による周期構造の斜入射音響透過損失の解析
Analysis of oblique incident sound transmission loss of periodic structures by the finite-difference time-domain method
Miho Takemura、Masahiro Toyoda
Kansai University



The FDTD method can analyze a sound field including a periodic structure under a normal incidence of plane wave by considering the unit component of the structure with a periodic boundary condition. However、for an oblique incidence of plane wave、employing a periodic boundary condition is not enough to analyze the sound field and it is necessary to consider the transformed governing equations with auxiliary variables so as to make the sound field continuous between the unit structures. The present report applies the method proposed for an electromagnetic field to the sound field and investigates the dispersion relation and the stability condition. In addition、the inverse-transformed sound pressure distribution and transmission loss for some incident angles are compared with the results obtained by the standard FDTD method to illustrate the efficiency of the method.

FDTD method,periodic structure,oblique incidence of plane wave,transmission loss

2019年10月17日(東京)開催 <(一社)日本音響学会 騒音・振動研究会資料>

N-2019-46 【 PDF
Acoustic Vibration Analysis of the Shell-Structured Loudspeakers using the Exciter
Graduate School of System Design、Tokyo Met.Univ.

平板における屈曲波を音響放射に利用した分布モードスピーカ(Distributed Mode Loudspeaker、DML)が1990 年代から研究・開発され、近年では実用化が一部で進んでいる.DML は屈曲振動の動作によって、単一の振動板にもかかわらず広帯域・広指向性といった一般的なスピーカにはない特性を得ることが可能である.しかし、DML は2 次元的に広がった平板を使用するため最大寸法が大きくなってしまう等といった構造に由来する問題を持つ.そこで、本研究では表面が任意の曲率で形成されるシェル構造体を振動板として利用することを検討し、音響振動解析を行うことによってDMLとの違いを比較した.さらに、円筒形やホーン形といった単純な形状の軸対称シェルについても解析し、シェル構造の違いによる特性の変化を調査した.


Since the 1990s、bending-wave based loudspeaker (e.g.、distributed mode loudspeaker、or DML) has been widely researched and developed. DML can provide wideband-characteristics and wide directivity in spite of a single diaphragm by using bending waves based vibration on the plate for acoustic radiation. This property is significantly different from conventional loudspeakers. However、DML has structural problems (e.g.、maximum dimension becomes large)、because it uses a two-dimensionally spread flat plate. In this study、therefore、we examine the characteristics of shell-structured loudspeakers whose diaphragm is formed with an arbitrary curvature、and compare them with DML by acoustic vibration analysis. In addition、we propose and analyze simple axisymmetric shells such as the cylinder and the horn、and explore the characteristics derived from the difference of shell structures.

exciter,shell structure,loudspeaker,DML,vibration
N-2019-47 【 PDF
Low-vibration structural design based on visualization of vibration energy propagation
Miyama Takeshi、Yamazaki Toru
Kanagawa University



This paper presents a new structural design concept for reducing vibration radiation from a plate structure. On this concept、structural intensity technique is used. The concept is based on a modal expansion of structural intensity on a plate. Using modal form of intensity、a desired power flow (distribution of intensity) can be obtained. Structural intensity in modal form can be expressed by superposition of weight coefficients and “crossmodal functions”. The weight coefficients depend on an excitation point location. The crossmodal function is determined by products of two natural mode shapes with spatial derivatives and is expressed in a vector field. First、this paper presents relation between transmitted powers and cross-modal functions is obtained. Next、we propose the two concepts for reducing vibration based on structure intensity distribution. The first concept is generating non energy transmission type intensity based on theoretical formula for the natural frequency of a flat plate. The other concept is adding transmission path for releasing vibration energy. Finally、numerical simulations on a flat plate structure are carried out to confirm the reducing vibration by these concepts.

structural intensity,transmitted power,statistical energy analysis
N-2019-48 【 PDF
Visualization and analysis of aerodynamic sound captured by parallel phase-shifting interferometry
Risako Tanigawa、Kohei Yatabe、Yasuhiro Oikawa
Department of Intermedia Art and Science、Waseda University



Recently、optical measurement of sound has been developed. The techniques capture sound through observing changes of phase of light. Optical measurement of sound can capture the sound field non-intrusively. Therefore、that technique is effective for measurement of the sound field where microphones cannot be installed. In this research、we applied the optical measurement of sound to visualization of aerodynamic sound. We can observe sound inside flow field、which is difficult for microphones、by using optical measurement method. In this paper、we introduce some examples of visualization of aerodynamic sound. In addition、we introduce the analysis method for separation of sound and flow.

Optical measurement of sound,Aerodynamic sound,Interferometer,High-speed camera,Spatio-temporal filter
N-2019-49 【 PDF
Sharing system for visualization of 3D sound intensity by using Mixed Reality
Yuta Kataoka1、Wataru Teraoka1、Yasuhiro Oikawa1、Yasuaki Watanabe2、Yusuke Ikeda2
1Waseda University、2Tokyo Denki University



We have proposed a visualization system for 3D sound intensity using Mixed Reality (MR). It is possible to achieve more natural representation by superimposing sound field measured in the real space with MR. However、there is a problem that only one measurer wearing an MR device can observe 3D measurement data in real time. Therefore、we proposed a real-time sharing system for 3D sound intensity via Wi-Fi for the purpose of sharing information of measurement results. The proposed system enables a measurer and multiple observers to visually confirm the 3D sound field and to discuss the results measured in real time. In this paper、we introduce the visualization examples of sound fields affected by pillars and partitions.

Sound intensity,Noise Source Localization,Sound Propagation,MR,AR
N-2019-50 【 PDF
Effect of visual stimuli on the subjective impression of pass-by sound transmitted to habitable rooms
Riku Hashimoto、Takumi Asakura
Tokyo University of Science



The effects of the auditory and visual stimuli on the subjective impression of the pass-by noise of running vehicles transmitted to the residential spaces were investigated based on the environmental simulation method combining the binaural sound auralization technieque and the three-dimensional spatial visualization technique. As a basic study、the pass-by sound of the running vehicle transmitted to the rooms via the façade was simulated by using the geometrical acoustic simulation with relatively low computational costs. To increase the presence of the reproduced sounds、the auralized sounds were reproduced by dynamically changing the binaural room impulse response depending on the head rotation of the subjects. In contrast、the visual condition inside the evaluated rooms was simulated by using three-dimensional modeling software、Unity. Then、the effect of the auditory and visual stimuli on the impression of the environments inside rooms was investigated by performing the subjective evaluation experiment based on the audiovisual simulation scheme. The obtained results indicated that the sound impression of the pass-by noise transmitted to the rooms was influenced by the additionally presented visual stimuli、but the extent of the influence on the impression differs depending on the detailed information included in the auditory and visual stimuli.

SD 法,ME 法,ラウドネス,アノイアンス,バイノーラル再生
Semantic differential test,Magnitude estimation method,Loudness,Annoyance,Dynamic binaural simulation
N-2019-51 【 PDF
Basic study on real-time visualization of outdoor sound propagation of disaster prevention broadcast
Toshiya Ohshima



Since outdoor disaster prevention broadcasts have a significant change in sound propagation distance depending on weather conditions、this is a major concern for information transmission during disasters. If the range of propagation of disaster prevention broadcast sound can be visualized in real time、it will be possible to control to broaden the area where sound can be understood when a disaster occurs. As a basic study for this purpose、a method of dynamically visualizing how disaster prevention broadcast audio propagates to surrounding areas at a speed of sound while reducing the influence of road noise and other sound sources by sound source identification by deep neural network (DNN).

Disaster prevention administrative radio system,Outdoor broadcast sound,Sound propagation visualization,Weather effect,Deep neural network
N-2019-52 【 PDF
Development of aircraft tracking camera system for sound power level measurement of aircraft noise
Junichi Mori
Defense Facilities Environment Improvement Association

航空機騒音の単発事象の音源パワーレベルを得るためには、飛行経路直下における1/3 オクターブバンドの音圧レベルだけでなく、測定地点と機体間の距離も連続的に実測する必要があり、音源パワーレベルはその距離に基づく空気と距離の減衰量を測定地点の音圧レベルに補正することによって推定されている。この距離を測定するための技術として、動体検出技術と半球カメラを組み合わせた飛行機追跡カメラを開発した。このシステムの有効性を確認するためのケーススタディを行なった結果、このシステムを無人で設置するだけで、測定地点と機体間の距離を効率的に測定できることがわかった。


In order to obtain sound power level in a single event of aircraft noise、not only successive series of noise levels in each 1/3 octave band under the flight path、but also distance between the measuring site and the aircraft is needed to measure; the sound power level is estimated by correcting for the amount of sound attenuation due to spherical spreading and air absorption based on the distance to the noise level obtained at the measuring site. As the technique for measuring this distance、we developed an aircrafttracking camera system by combining a hemispheric camera and motion-tracking. The effectiveness of this system was examined by means of a case study、and it was confirmed that the distance can be reasonably measured just by leaving this system unattended.

Aircraft noise,Sound power level,Motion-tracking,Hemispheric camera
N-2019-53 【 PDF
Measuring sound power level of running vehicles - Automating the process by information extraction from video camera -
Marjorie Takai1、Hyojin Lee2、Shinichi Sakamoto2
1Grad. School of Eng.、Univ. of Tokyo、2I. I. S.、Univ. Tokyo



Road traffic noise has been studied for a long time、especially in developed countries. Nevertheless、gathering the amount of sound source model can be expensive and time consuming. In an attempt to provide an alternative、this work proposes an automated system using a video camera close to the sound level meter for data gathering and analysis with image processing techniques. The validity of the results of this proposed system was verified comparing with manual measurements of speed and notes. Also、the number the events measured during the same time was 3.4 times greater. Then、the system was used in measurements in different environments、with different conditions of lighting and vehicle types、in Hokkaido、Oita and São Paulo.

Sound power level measurements,Free running vehicles,Automatic estimation

2019年11月28日(石川)開催 <(一社)日本音響学会 騒音・振動研究会資料>

N-2019-54 【 PDF
Study on how the temporal amplitude envelope of speech contributes to urgency perception
Masashi Unoki、Miho Kawamura、Shunsuke Kidani、Maori Kobayashi、Masato Akagi
School of Information Science、Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

本研究では、音声の振幅包絡線情報が緊迫感知覚に及ぼす影響を検討するため、雑音駆動音声を用いて緊迫感知覚の実験を行った.一対比較法を用いて音声の緊迫感知覚の評価尺度を算出した結果、避難呼びかけ音声とその雑音駆動音声の緊迫感の程度の順序が一致することがわかった.次に、低域通過フィルタと高域通過フィルタを用いて雑音駆動音声の変調周波数成分の上限と下限を制限し、時間的な振幅包絡線に関する緊迫感知覚の実験を行った.その結果、音声の時間的な振幅包絡線の6 Hz~8 Hz の変調周波数成分が、緊迫感知覚で重要な役割を果たすことがわかった.しかし、時間反転した音声の振幅包絡線に関して同様の検討を行ったところ、同じ結果は得られなかった.以上から、音声の時間的な振幅包絡線は緊迫感知覚に重要な手がかりを含むことが明らかとなったが、その瞬時的な変調周波数も重要な手がかりである可能性が示唆された.


This paper experimentally investigated whether or not the temporal amplitude envelope (TAE) of speech affects the perception of para-linguistic information、particularly urgency. Noise vocoded speech (NVS) in which the TAEs were identical to those of the original speech was compared with NVS in which the TAEs had undergone low-pass or high-pass filtering. Urgency scales were derived from a paired comparison of the results and used to investigate the relationship between the temporal modulation components and urgency perception. Our findings were (1) the degree of urgency of the NVS stimuli was perceived as being similar to that of the original; (2) temporal modulation components (TMCs) of NVS upwards of 6 Hz were significant cues for urgency perception; (3) TMCs of NVS downwards of 8 Hz were significant cues for urgency perception; (4) TMCs of the time-reversal NVS do not have significant cues for urgent perception. The results suggest that TMCs in the TAE play an important role in urgency perception.

Urgency perception,noise-vocoded speech,temporal amplitude envelope、,modulation perception
N-2019-55 【 PDF
Para linguistic information of anauncements to facilite evacuation
Maori Kobayashi、Masato Akagi
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology



Our previous studies showed importance of perceived urgency of evacuation calling voices to promote evacuation activities. However、the impression of calling voice used in our studies was nerveless with tense、so differ from effective speech for evacuation activities reported in previous case studies. In this study、it was examined the difference between nerveless and emotional voices in order to examine appropriate evacuation calling voices by a psychological experiment using speeches spoken by professional actors. As a result、it was found that the difference of facilitation effects between speeches with same perceived urgency.

Evacuation calling voice,evacuation activity,acoustic feature,Fundamental frequency,Longtime averaged speech spectrum
N-2019-56 【 PDF
Intelligibility improving and naturalness preserving for evacuation speech in noisy environments
Thuan Van Ngo1、Rieko Kubo2、Masato Akagi1
1Japan Advance Institute of Science and Technology、2National Institute of Information and Communications Technology



In order to improve intelligibility of speech in noisy environments、many advanced spectral and temporal shaping methods have been proposed to modify neutral speech based on Lombard and clear speech or optimizing intelligibility scores of objective measures. However、the problem is that、significant temporal-spectral or time-frequency features under these methods are still remained unclear. To this end、in this study、the spectral shaping methods are compared and analyzed by subjective listening tests and a modulation spectrum analysis under various noise types and levels. On the basis of modulation spectrum and modulation transfer function concepts、time-frequency features of speech with effect of noise are explicitly represented by modulation spectrum features. The listening test results are connected with the degradation in term of frequency masking in modulation spectrum to explain the intelligibility improvement and naturalness preservation of the tested speech. The results indicate that significant features to improve intelligibility are to increase acoustic spectrum at 0.5-3 kHz、5-6 kHz acoustic frequency、and modulation spectrum around 4 Hz modulation frequency. These frequencies are important for speech features such as vowel formants、consonant bursts、and phonetic segregations. Being masked within 0.5-3 kHz acoustic frequency and increasing from 8 Hz modulation frequency can affect naturalness.

Lombard speech,spectral shape,modulation spectrum
N-2019-57 【 PDF
Awareness of Clumsiness while Speaking and Vocal Exercise
Tatsuya Kitamura1、Naoko Kawamura2、Yukiko Nota3、Michiko Hashi4
1甲南大学知能情報学部、2姫路獨協大学医療保健学部、3ATR-Promotions 脳活動イメージングセンタ、4県立広島大学保健福祉学部
1Faculty of Intelligence and Informatics、Konan University、2Faculty of Health Care Sciences、Himeji Dokkyo University、3ATR-Promotions Brain Activity Imaging Center、4Faculty of Health and Welfare、Prefectural University of Hiroshima

健常者の中にも発話に不自由を感じている人が存在する.本研究では、30代から60代の男女計800名を対象に発話のしにくさの自覚に関するインターネット調査を実施した.そして、発話のしにくさをある程度以上自覚している人は各世代に20 %前後存在し、先行研究と同様に女性よりも男性が高い割合で発話のしにくさを感じているという結果が得られた.また、発話のしにくさを自覚する人は自分の音声が聞き返されることが多いと感じていることも明らかになった.さらに、磁気センサシステムを用いて発話訓練時の調音運動を計測し、下顎の動きを制約する訓練法により舌や口唇の運動が増加することを示した.


An Internet survey was conducted on native Japanese adults in their 30s to 60s to evaluate their feelings of clumsiness while speaking. The responses showed that around 20 % of the participants felt “clumsy” or “rather clumsy” while speaking in daily conversation. Analysis by gender revealed that males felt the clumsiness more than females as the results of previous studies on the awareness of clumsiness.

Clumsiness while speaking,Jaw perturbation vocal exercise,Electromagnetic articulography,Articulatory movements
N-2019-58 【 PDF
避難を呼びかける音声の評価 (1) 特定語に対する教示の効果
Evaluation of voice of evacuation announce (1) Effects of instruction on specific words
Yoshio Tsuchida、Sayoko Takano
Kanazawa Institute of Technology



We conducted a group interview with a professional announcer. The cautionary points become clear on utterances during emergency broadcasts. Professional announcers control the sense of language tension by being aware of the following、at least in television broadcasting. Make important parts strong、high-pitched、slowly and create blank spaces in words. A subject evaluation experiment was conducted not only for the whole sentence but also for the announcement that gave the instruction for a specific word considered important in the sentence. As a result、the instruction of “impressed” was relatively highly evaluated as “willing to escape”. However、contrary to expectations、the effectiveness of instruction to specific words was shown to be small. It was also shown that the effective instruction varies from reader to reader. From the multiple regression analysis、as an acoustic parameter、Lmax (sound pressure level of the voice) of the specific word part had the greatest influence、followed by the whole f0 (voice pitch).

disaster,public address,urgency,evacuation
N-2019-59 【 PDF
避難を呼びかける音声の評価 (2) 音響パラメータを変化させた合成音声による検討
Evaluations of annoucements for evacuation (2) Investicgations using the systhesized speech by emphasis
Sayoko Takano、Yoshio Tsuchida
Kanazawa Institute of Technology

2011 年の東日本大震災では、津波の避難指示の放送を聞きながらも、いわゆる「正常性バイアス」により、避難が遅れる人も存在したと考えられており、より適切な防災放送が望まれる。本研究では、プロと一般人の音声の音響特徴の比較、また合成音声による音声の変形を用いて、強調の効果を比較した。実験1では、「近くの川が氾濫しました(事実)。非常に危険な状態です(状態)。ただちに指定の小学校に避難してください(命令)。」の各文にそれぞれ文全体の強調を行った。また実験2では「ただちに指定の小学校に避難してください」のうち「避難して」の部分にのみ強調を行った。その結果、文全体の強調の方が、「避難して」の部分的な強調よりも効果的であった。また音響分析の結果と比較し、プロと一般人の音声の違いを生成面および知覚面から考察した。


Even people have listened to the tsunami evacuation instruction broadcast、it is thought that some people were delayed in evacuation due to the so-called “normality bias、” in the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake、More appropriate disaster prevention broadcast is desired. In this study、we compared the acoustic features of professional and ordinary people's speech、and compared the effects of emphasis using the deformation of speech by synthesized speech. In Experiment 1、“A river in neighbor were flooded (facts). It is very dangerous (state). Please evacuate to designated elementary school immediately (command).” were used. In Experiment 2、the emphasis was given only to the “evacuate” in the third sentence. As a result、emphasis on the whole sentence was more effective than partial emphasis. We discussed the difference between professional and ordinary peoples’ speech by comparing with the results of speech production and peception.

disaster,public address,emphasis,eager to escape,synthesized speech

2019年12月11日(福岡)開催 <(一社)日本音響学会 騒音・振動研究会資料>

N-2019-60 【 PDF
Difference in floor impact sound level when storage furniture with tatami on floating floor - A study on floor impact sound by heavy impact source of small-scale nursery facilities -
Ryuta TOMITA1、Takuya OKANIWA1、Kyoko ABE2
1Nihon University、2Freelance Researcher

本研究では小規模保育所を対象として、床衝撃音の実用的な対策方法について検討を行ってきた。本研究では、市販品として利用できる畳付収納家具を用いて、防振と遮音を適切に行えば、63Hz 帯域で最大20dB 程度性能を向上させることができることを明らかにした。一方、これまでコンクリートスラブを対象として実験的検討を行ってきたが、本研究の方法は既存床をそのまま活用し、畳付収納家具を設置することを検討しているため、乾式二重床に設置した場合の検討も必要である。そこで、本報では、乾式二重床上に対する畳付収納家具を設置し、乾式二重床に対する床衝撃音レベル差を測定した。その結果、乾式二重床に対する床衝撃音レベル差で最大25dB 程度の性能向上が見られた。


In this study、we have examined practical countermeasures against floor impact sound for small-scale nursery schools. It was clarified that the performance can be improved up to about 20dB in 63Hz band by using the storage furniture with tatami mats that can be used as a commercial product and properly performing the anti-vibration and sound insulation. On the other hand、experimental studies have been conducted for concrete slabs. The method of this study is considering using existing floors as they are and installing storage furniture with tatami mats. For this reason、it is necessary to study when installed on a floating floor. In this report、we installed storage furniture with tatami mats on the floating floor and measured the floor impact sound level difference on the floating floor. As a result、a performance improvement of up to about 25 dB was observed in the difference in floor impact sound level compared to the floating floor.

Floor impact sound,Anti-vibration,Sound insulation,Floating floor,Nursery facilities
N-2019-61 【 PDF
A Study on Measurement of Sound Absorption Coefficient with Multi-channel Sound Field Reproduction System: Performance Comparison with Various Channel Numbers
Tatsuya Ono1、Akira Omoto2
1Graduate School of Design、Kyushu University、2Faculty of Design、Kyushu University

本稿は多チャンネル音場再生システムの新たな活用法の一つとして材料の吸音特性の評価を目指したものである。チャンネル数による値の影響を評価するためにチャンネル数の異なる三つの多チャンネル音場再生システム内で測定を行なった。参照値として、従来法である残響室法とその補正値を用いた。生成した音場のランダム性を確認するために音場等方性指標であるUAD(Uniformity of Arrival Directions)を用いて評価し、チャンネル数が多いほどランダムな入射に近づくことを確認した。その後、それぞれのシステムでの吸音率の測定を行い、チャンネル数が多いほど吸音率の測定には有利である傾向を示した。最後に、試料に対して法線面にあるスピーカーの影響を調べた。この結果から高域の測定について法線面にあるスピーカーが重要である可能性を示した。


This paper aims to evaluate the sound absorption characteristics of materials as one of the new applications of multi-channel sound field reproduction system. In order to evaluate the influence of the absorption characteristics depending on the number of channels、measurements were performed in three types of multi-channel sound field reproduction systems having different numbers of channels. In order to confirm the randomness of the generated sound field、the UAD (Uniformity of Arrival Directions)、which is an isotropic index of sound field、introduced after that、the sound absorption coefficient of each system was measured、and the larger the number of channels、the better the absorption performance. Finally、the influence of the speaker on the normal surface to the sample was investigated. The results indicate that speakers in the normal plane may be important for high-frequency measurements.

Multi-channel sound field reproduction system,Absorption coefficient,EA method
N-2019-62 【 PDF
ドライバーの警笛使用に影響を及ぼす要因の分析 -福岡市におけるアンケート調査-
Analysis of factors affecting driver's vehicle horn use: Questionnaire survey in Fukuoka
HASHIMOTO Kazuma1、INADA Tamaki2、TAKADA Masayuki2、KIM Ki-Hong3、OEDA Yoshinao4
1Graduate School of Design 、Kyushu University、2Faculty of Design 、Kyushu University、3Faculty of Media and Information Resources 、Surugadai University、4Faculty of Engineering 、Kyushu University



In several countries、drivers’ vehicle horn use are adversely affecting the sonic environment. In the present study、to comprehensively understand factors affecting driver’s horn use 、a questionnaire survey was conducted in Fukuoka. Participants were asked to respond to questions investigating drivers intrinsic (i.e.、psychological) factors such as their attitude and personal norm and extrinsic factors including traffic environment during driving. Results reveled that vehicle horns were frequently used for purposes other than those prescribed by Japanese law. Furthermore、other driver’s behavior such as interruptions and difference of vehicle speed significantly affected driver use of horns.

horn use,driver,behavior,traffic environment,questionnaire survey
N-2019-63 【 PDF
Discrete tone を含む騒音の評価
Sound quality evaluation of noise including a discrete tone
An Yiming1、Masayuki Takada2、Shinya Tanaka3、Chika Matsuoka3、Masayuki Naya3
1九州大学大学院芸術工学府、2九州大学大学院芸術工学研究院、3富士フイルム株式会社 R&D 統括本部 先端コア技術研究所
1Graduateschool of Design、Kyushu University、2Faculty of Design、Kyushu University、3Frontier Core-Technology Laboratories、R&D Management Headquarters、FUJIFILM Corporation

周波数スペクトル上でエネルギーが突出する狭帯域の成分は離散周波数音(Discrete tone)と呼ばれ、対応する評価指標としてプロミネンス・レシオ(Prominence Ratio、以降PR)がある。離散周波数音を有する音は一般的に耳障りで、ネガティブな聴取印象を喚起する。本研究では、離散周波数音の突出度や周波数が聴取印象に及ぼす影響を検討するため聴取実験を行った。結果として、突出成分の周波数が高く、突出度が比較的大きいとき(PR:6〜9dB)、騒々しい印象が強まるなどの影響が確認された。さらに、ラウドネスやプロミネンス・レシオなどの音質評価指標を独立変数とした音質評価モデルの構築を試みた。


A narrow-band component whose acoustic energy is prominent on the frequency spectrum is called a discrete tone、and its effect due to such an acoustic feature is estimated using the Prominence Ratio (PR). Sounds with discrete tones generally evoke negative auditory impressions such as unpleasantness and noisiness. In the present study、we conducted psychoacoustical experiments to investigate effects of the degree of prominence and the frequency of a discrete tone in the broad-band noise on auditory impressions. As a result、stimuli including a high-frequency component with relatively high prominence ratio evoked the impression of noisiness. Furthermore、a multiple regression model to estimate the perceived pleasantness was investigated using sound quality metrics as independent variables. Metrics such as loudness and sharpness were employed as significant variables.

Discrete tone,Prominence ratio,Semantic differential,Sound quality metrics,Multiple regression model
N-2019-64 【 PDF
Multifaceted examination of the effect of additional alerting sounds on pass-by noise of electric vehicles
Ryudai Yamasaki1、Jo Yoshino1、Katsuya Yamauchi2
1Graduate School of Design、Kyushu University、2Faculty of Design、Kyushu University

電動自動車の静音性により歩行者等が車両の接近に気づきにくいことが問題視されており、この対策として電動車には車両接近通報装置 (AVAS) が備えられている。本研究では、AVAS設置による車両走行音への影響を把握するため、AVAS作動の有無による走行音のA特性音響パワーレベルLWA、パワースペクトル、及び指向特性の違いを検討した。結果として、10km/h においてAVAS設置によるLWAの上昇が確認され、その影響は主に2kHz周辺に現れることがわかった。指向特性はAVASスピーカの設置位置が影響する可能性が示唆された。また、走行音の聴取印象を調査したところ、LWAの上昇により「力強い」印象となること、及びAVAS設置により「甲高い」印象へ変化することを確認した。


It is regarded as a problem that pedestrians are not likely to notice the approach of electric vehicles due to their quietness. As a countermeasure、Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System (AVAS) is installed in electric vehicles. In this research、we examined the difference of A-weighted sound power level (Lwa)、the frequency characteristics、and the directivity of pass-by noise among with or without AVAS in order to understand the influence on pass-by noise. As a result、Lwa was increased due to AVAS when running at 10 km/h、and the effect of AVAS was mainly appeared around 2 kHz. The directivity also showed an effect of AVAS which may be affected by the installation position of AVAS speaker. We also investigated the listening impression of pass-by noise. It was confirmed that the higher Lwa led to the more “strong” impression、and that the impression changed to “shrill” by installing AVAS.

Electric Vehicles,Road Traffic Noise,AVAS,Sound Power Level,Impression Evaluation